KAVACH Tree Tubes
Why use a KAVACH Tree Tubes?
KAVACH Tree Tubes enhance tree growth and development while providing individual protection from browsing animals.Provide a micro-climate for trees which results in better initial establishment and higher survival rates, allowing for the planting of smaller trees which are cheaper and easier to source, lead to trees with stronger roots and reducing the costs of growing and maintaining. We estimated that it will save 50% plants, which without individual tree protection would likely not have survived. The benefits of the KAVACH Tree Tubes are explained below with the 3 main benefits
1. Fast establishment and improved growth
KAVACH Tree Tubes increased plant survival rates by 50%, several studies also prove that trees inside tree tubes have experienced a significant increase in height compared to trees grown in nature.
2. Protection from Animals
Protection from Mice, Goat, Cows and Deer – Including deer rub protection, which is a problem often over looked.
3. Protection against sand, herbicides and pesticides
Protection from land operations such as; herbicides, pesticides and mechanical

KAVACH Tree Tubes Effect
Trees inside Tree Tubes have shown a significant increase in height compared to trees grown in nature, or inside mesh. The growth of a plant is significantly accelerated in a Tree Tubes compared to trees grown in tree nets or in nature.
Trees inside Tree Tubes have shown a significant increase in height compared to trees grown in nature, or inside mesh. The growth of a plant is significantly accelerated in a Tree Tubes compared to trees grown in tree nets or in nature.
This is because the Tree Tubes provides an ideal microclimate that is conducive to improved plant growth. The factors that contribute to the microclimate include temperature, levels of carbon dioxide and moisture, light spectrum and intensity.
Warmth, CO2, moisture and light spectrum and intensity are the factors that contribute to generate a microclimate and are as well the factors intervene in the key process of photosynthesis, respiration and photomorphogenesis.
KAVACH Tree Tubes Benefits
1. Enables the plant to survive in drought conditions
Higher air moisture within tree tubes reduces water stress, enabling the plant to survive in dry conditions.
2. Complete protection against animals
The Tree tubes also provides complete protection against animals including deer, Goat, Cow and herbicides in a way that is flexible, efficient and cost effective.
3. Provides a micro-climate for trees
Tree Tubes provide a micro-climate for trees which results in better initial establishment and higher survival rates, allowing for the planting of smaller trees which are cheaper and easier to source, and ultimately lead to trees with stronger roots.
4. Ease of transportation and storage
KAVACH Tree Tubes are easy in transportation and storage as the size and shape is like pipe.