Our Team is with Full of Green Energy
"The truth is that teamwork is at the heart of Great Achievement"
Mr. Manveer Singh Khanuja
Central Region Business Development

Ms. Anju Dua

Ms. Ranu Patel

Ms. Garima Bhargav

Ms. Easha Dhingra
Design Consultant

Ms. Surjeet Kaur

Mr Pankaj Patel
Technical Advisor

Mr. Pankaj Ghosh
North East Region Business Development

Mr. Pavan Patel
South Region Business Development

Mr. Gayaprasad Mishra
(Retd Range Forest Officer)
Technical Head

Mr. Virendra Singh Nathawat
(Retd Forest Guard)
Forest Tree Expert

Mr. Mandeep Singh Khanuja
Senior Project Coordinator

Mr. Rohit Patel
Project Coordinator

Mr. Rahul Prajapati
Site Supervisor

Mr. Narmada Prasad
Site Supervisor

Mr. Raja Patel
Forest Maintenance Incharge

Mr. Vijendra Rathor
Forest Maintenance Incharge